Meet your daily cash needs

Deposit & Liquidity Management

To optimize your operating cash, we offer deposit accounts, liquidity management solutions and treasury management tools to help you monitor and manage your money more efficiently.

A businessman looking at his tablet.

Deposit & Liquidity Management Solutions

Deposit Accounts

Flexible deposit account options to fit your business needs:
  • Commercial Checking – Earn credit for balances maintained in account to offset your monthly activity charges.
  • Business Money Market – Maintain easy access to your funds while earning higher-tiered interest rates.
  • Business CD – Grow your business’ savings in a safe and secure way with a regular Business or Jumbo CD.

Sweep Options

Put your excess capital to work with our sweep options:
  • Credit Sweep – Automatically pay down short-term borrowing to save money while maintaining liquidity.
  • Investment Sweep – Let your cash grow itself by automatically moving excess funds into interest-earning accounts.
  • Dual Sweep – First automatically apply surplus cash balances to your line of credit. Additional funds available in the checking account will automatically sweep into an interest-bearing asset.

Additional Liquidity Management Solutions

Take advantage of additional solutions to manage your money more efficiently:
  • Zero Balance Account (ZBA) – Zero Balance Accounts are designed to help eliminate manual transfers, reduce idle cash and prevent overdrafts.
  • Smart Safe Solutions – A safe solution that speeds up your cash flow while providing safety and convenience.
  • Cash Logistics Services – Our money room cash logistics services can help you reduce the time and costs involved with collecting and counting cash.
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Interested in learning more?

We’re here to help. Complete the form below to be contacted by a member of the WSFS Commercial team.