WSFS Bank Associates Go Above, Beyond and Outside in the Name of Customer Service

“I love the ‘get-it-done attitude’ at WSFS,” says Jake Grothaus, a personal banker in the bank’s Devon, Pa., branch.
That mindset went into action recently at the branch. With a pandemic causing an unprecedented situation nationwide, it was far from business as usual for both Customers and WSFS Associates.
That wouldn’t deter the branch from doing whatever it took to provide the assistance necessary for our Customers, while also looking out for their wellbeing. The branch was contacted by a couple who were interested in a loan for a home equity line of credit but were nervous about coming into the office.
“That’s not a problem,” Thecla Bene, vice president and Retail office manager at the Devon branch, told our Customers. “We’d be happy to handle the closing wherever you’re comfortable.”
Thecla and Jake quickly put a plan in motion to handle the entire closing from the parking lot. With clipboards, the paperwork and gloves in place, Thecla and Jake were able to wrap up the closing from a safe distance in the parking lot in about 20 minutes.
“We answered our Customers’ questions, got all the necessary signatures and the entire process went smoothly,” Thecla said. “Having these deals take place in a parking lot isn’t the norm, but we’re doing whatever we can to help our Customers in these difficult times. We even all laughed when a gust of wind almost blew some of the papers away.”
Our Customers were extremely appreciative of Thecla and Jake’s commitment, sending them a nice “thank you” note following the closing.
“That’s just us,” Thecla said. “We would’ve done that no matter what. That’s who we are as a company. We do whatever our Customer needs.”
Thecla and Jake had another parking lot closing lined up for later in the week for another Customer who was also uneasy about entering the branch. The “one-off” closing earlier began to set a trend!
“It’s been great to see that important banking appointments can still take place in these uncertain times and that we’re able to make the necessary adjustments to help our Customers in a way that makes them feel most comfortable,” said Jake.
That is so Wiss-fiss. To search for Careers at WSFS, please visit our Careers page.

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