Small Business Lending

Annette McNee
VP, Senior Small Business Relationship Manager
Gladys Parrilla
VP, Senior Small Business Relationship Manager
Mark Ewing
VP, Senior Small Business Relationship Manager
Megan K. Allen
VP, Small Business Relationship Manager
Frank Ezeuzoh
VP, Small Business Relationship Manager
Jordan Decker
Small Business Portfolio Manager
Bill Lang
VP, Small Business Relationship Manager
Paul Miller
AVP, Small Business Portfolio Manager
Ed Morris
AVP, Small Business Relationship Manager
Eric Murchison
VP, Small Business Relationship Manager
Jennifer Murphy
VP, Small Business Relationship Manager
Jennifer Sandner
VP, Small Business Sales Manager
Cathy Turner
VP, Small Business Relationship Manager

SBA Lending

Carl Buchholz
VP, Small Business Association Lending Franchise Relationship Manager
Greg Bula
VP, Small Business Association Lending Relationship Manager
Zoe Combs
VP, Small Business Association Lending Relationship Manager
Margie Crouch
VP, Small Business Association Lending Relationship Manager
Ubaid Khan
VP, Small Business Association Lending Relationship Manager
Kahla Miscavage
VP, Small Business Association Lending Relationship Manager
Darren Mitchell
VP, Small Business Association Lending Relationship Manager


Candice Caruso
SVP, Chief Consumer Lending Officer
Steven J. Cunningham
SVP, Director of SBA Sales
Anthony Ryan
SVP, Director of Retail Lending Strategy and Operations
Jeremy Shackleford
SVP, Director of Small Business Sales