Search Results for “” - page 20

An illustration of two people holding money.

According to a new WSFS Bank Money Trends study, nearly half (49%) of Americans cite wanting financial stability as the…

Delaware College Scholars.

Since its founding in 2014 as a first of its kind public-private partnership, Delaware College Scholars (DCS) has grown to…

Two women and a man talking around a laptop.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recently released their regional and national fiscal year 2021 rankings, and WSFS Bank continues…

A volunteer passing out food at a food pantry.

The holiday season is a time of giving, but for many, it can also be the time when they need…

Image of a train.

We first started HLI Rail and Rigging and Mars Transformers in the tri-state area, moving turbines, generators, large portions of…

A woman filling out paperwork, with a calculator and a laptop beside her.

With the year ending, many of us begin thinking about what we want to accomplish next year and in the…

A woman smiling and using a tablet.

Having solid cash management practices is one of the most essential processes in any company. Without a set of smart…

Man, woman, and child carrying shopping bags.

The holiday season is a time of giving and enjoying the company of friends and loved ones. That giving can often…

WSFS Associates with a $1000 check for the Shane & Pepper Candle Company.

Through December 16, WSFS Bank and FOX 29 are teaming up each week to honor a small business in the…

A family happily looks at a holiday window display.

With the holidays fast approaching, consumers are understandably concerned about the impacts of inflation, supply chain issues, and recommendations from…

WSFS Associate Alexis Santoleri.

After working at another bank as Head Teller for a few years, Alexis Santoleri decided it was time to make…

Man and woman conversing and looking at cell phone.

Saving and spending are always hot topics this time of year, as holiday shopping is in high gear and people…

A businessman showing a man and a woman his laptop screen.

Having a go-to person in life is always a plus. In this fast-paced world we live in, where interactions happen…

Woman and man looking at a laptop, standing at a kitchen island.

Has another year really gone by? Seems impossible. For many of us, life is busy, advancing our careers, raising children,…

A group of people celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in Southern New Jersey.

Since its founding 45 years ago, the Hispanic Family Center of Southern NJ, Inc. (HFC) has provided a variety of…

Woman smiling and using laptop.

October is National Women’s Small Business Month, and as a former business owner who now works directly with small businesses,…

Club Pilates owners and staff at ribbon cutting ceremony.

As he approached retirement after 30 years with the U.S. Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Greg Wright was…

Man, woman, and child accepting car keys from car salesman.

Reaching financial milestones, such as buying your first home or saving for retirement, can often seem like a daunting task. A…

Man, woman, and child, holding house keys and smiling in front of moving boxes.

The past year-plus has been a perfect storm for a volatile housing market. Interest rates dropped and stayed low, prices…

Two women making an online purchase using a credit card.

Credit and loans can be helpful tools on your financial journey, but ones that require you to proceed with caution. A…

The staff of STARS Adult Medical Day Care Center.

When Margarita Santiago and Ana Fernandez first envisioned opening an adult medical day care center in 2012, they had no…

Staff of Atilio's Construction.

Two decades ago, José Fernandez was working as a handyman for a local company in Delaware with his eyes toward…

WSFS Associate Jennifer Rossi.

After nine years working in retail sales at a department store, Jennifer Rossi decided it was time to make a…

Two cafe managers looking at a tablet.

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic forced a surge in technology adoption across numerous industries. However, despite the availability…

A woman looking skeptically at her computer.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which serves as a great opportunity to brush up on common scams and how to…

A couple shaking hands with a businessperson.

These days, consumers are not short on options for their borrowing needs. Whether remodeling a home, buying a boat, consolidating…

River Lights restaurant.

As a longtime business owner in Milford, Delaware, Danny Perez has seen and experienced the community’s growth and opportunity since…

Woman using laptop and completing paperwork.

When it comes to saving for retirement, many of us are already familiar with the primary investment savings vehicles offered…

A woman filling a bag with green beans.

Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) began to plant roots in North Philadelphia more than 50 years ago when a group…

A graphic reading #SmallBusinessWeek.

The past year and a half has been a challenge for many small businesses, as the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their…

A student doing homework while holding a pink mug.

Branching out on your own is an exciting life stage for many young adults, but one that carries with it…

Hand using a tablet and stylus to track stocks.

Economies evolve over time. From big oil to electricity to the internet, inventions and new technologies transform the world as…

A photo of WSFS’ Candice Caruso.

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and forced parts of the country into a lockdown, small businesses were among those hit…

The Wilmington Latin American Community Center.

Since its founding in 1969, the Latin American Community Center (LACC) has evolved from a small, grassroots organization to become…

A man and a woman capturing a photograph of a scenic overlook.

For many Americans the thought of early retirement can be very appealing. For those that enjoy their career, having the…

A cafe manager making an online purchase with a credit card.

When it comes to credit for a small business, loans are typically the first options that come to mind. Small…

Shane & Peppers Candle Company menu.

Jessica Mojica traces her roots back to the humble beginnings of her parents in Puerto Rico, taking great pride in…

A man and a woman reviewing paperwork at a cafe.

Whether you are an entrepreneur at the helm of a startup or a seasoned small business owner looking to expand,…

Leah Perez

After working as a general contractor for about a decade, Leah Perez decided it was time to make a career change….

Woman and man pointing at digital protection icon and code.

Whether it’s a compromised business email, ransomware, accounts payable fraud, mail theft, or an investment scam, we’ve all heard of,…

Man and woman signing documents.

Over the past 18 months, home values throughout the Greater Philadelphia and Delaware region—and the country—have increased drastically. Fueled by still-low…

Matt Sellers.

A tough economy led Matthew Sellers to a job in banking, but the culture at WSFS and the opportunity to…

Cashier accepting cash payment from a customer.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced a surge in technology adoption across numerous industries, including payments and banking. Even with the adoption…

Hightop Development building.

Amid the pandemic, many commercial real estate projects were forced to hit pause due to government shutdowns, supply chain issues…

Jennabeth Dalton

Having worked in retail management and commissioned sales roles for more than 20 years, Jennabeth Dalton had never thought about…

Jim Wechsler

Jim Wechsler, Senior Vice President and Chief Retail Lending Officer at WSFS Bank, joined the Upstart Leaders in Lending Podcast…

Krystin Martin

From early in her career, Krystin Martin knew what she wanted to do for a living: help people. “Prior to joining…

Artists working at REC Philly.

At times during the COVID-19 pandemic, REC Philly members were only able collaborate remotely as they developed and refined their…